Facebook and Twitter Profile , Not Resume Will get you a job

Remember those nights before your job  interview when you combed the internet for nice looking resumes and then rushing to the nearest cyber cafe to get them printed. On the job interview table the recruiters would be in dismay to choose the “right” candidate as most of the resume looked the same. It seemed like choosing the best vanilla ice cream parlours out of all the ice cream parlours in town.

Thanks to social media , its time to rejoice for recruiters as they shun traditional resume and ask for Facebook and Twitter profiles, Tumblr Blogs , short video introduction of self and everything that tells you what you do online . The requirements define the unique qualities, behaviour and nature of the candidates , which can be later measured as metrics to choose the best of the breed.

Social Media Networks are able to answer important questions about the employee like whether he socializes or not? Is he a social media freak to post comment on every status update? What are the social media circles of the candidate? What type of content the candidate subscribes to? Most importantly it tries to find out how it is work with the candidate?

Linked In stands out as an important social media website where the professional credentials, qualifications and connections can be accessed. The worlds first professional network allows searches to view profile of the user unlike Facebook where you can enable privacy on your content.

At most companies, résumés are still the first step of the recruiting process, even at supposedly nontraditional places like Google Inc., which hired about 7,000 people in 2011, after receiving some two million résumés. Google has an army of “hundreds” of recruiters who actually read every one, so its not an headache for the organization. But the organizations in India are facing cut throat competition and trying innovative strategies to reduce costs. Asking for social media profiles to define their web presence will help them filter through the heap of resumes to find the best. The organization would later enjoy the cream with low cost of recruitment and high relativity with the candidates employed.

My dear freshers and job hunters share this post with your friend and start social networking!!!!